Sunday, December 10, 2006

Friday, December 01, 2006

Finaly some snow!!!

Today, Im SO excited! we finaly got to see some snow on the ground... but.... then... we got some freazing rain. So, all the snow is .... Gone :( anyways. on the weather chanel.... they told us that next week we should see snow again... I realy hope so! my Snowboard keep yelling at me :)

Aujourdhui, Je suis TELLEMENT exciter! On as enfin eu de la neige.... mais la pluie verglassante la toute fait partir.... :( entk a meteo media... ils disent quil va avoir de la neige la semaine prochainne.. Jespere tellement... Ma showboard mapelle :)

Yesterday, I did the *Nez rouge* mascot..! I had so much fun! realy it was awesome!! underneth that big red nose.. its me!!! :D Nez rouge is a free number you can call at.... and some people will come and pick you up if you drinked a bit to much around christmas! ..oh and guys! .....Now.... L have a lOts of respect for mascots.... Gosh it hot under that head!

hier, Jai fait la mascotte de nez rouge! Jai jamais ri autant de ma vie! wow! cetait vraiment cool! en dessou du gros nez rouge, cetait moi! ... pi Bien.. nez rouge.. cest un numero que tu peu apeller quand tu as feter un peu trop fort..... Oh! et maintenant.. Jai BEAUCOUP plus de respect pour les mascottes..... cest tellement chaud en dessou de la tete!!

.....Now, I hope you are happy jon :P ;)
... La, Jespere que tu es content Jon!

Caro ;)